• In 2017, Trump ordered Opportunity and Revitalization Zones. The 8,760 zones projected to spur $100 billion in private investment in minority communities. (blackvoicesfortrump.com)

  • In 2018, Trump signed the First Step Act, a prison reform bill that will improve criminal justice outcomes, reduce the size of the federal prison population, and will also create mechanisms to maintain public safety. (Brennan Center for Justice) In his own words, “This legislation reformed sentencing laws that have wrongly and disproportionately harmed the African-American community. The First Step Act gives nonviolent offenders the chance to reenter society as productive, law-abiding citizens. Now, states across the country are following our lead. America is a nation that believes in redemption.”
  • In 2018, Trump signed a budget deal forgiving more than $300 million in debt owed by four HBCUs impacted by natural disasters. (The Washington Post, 2018)

    “His administration in one year alone appropriated more money to HBCUs than any other president, and he has taken steps to establish the Presidential Board of Advisors on HBCUs, as requested by community leaders.” – Ken Blackwell, American politician, author, and activist who served as the mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio, the Ohio State Treasurer, and Ohio Secretary of State. (May 2020) 

  • In 2019, Trump established a fund to deploy $1 billion in capital funding for minority-owned businesses through the Commerce Department (Forbes.com 2019)

  • Trump has created economic stimuli to

    • Bring African American unemployment to an all-time, record-breaking low. (August of 2019, CNN Business, cnn.com)

    • As of January 2019, the average weekly wage of Black Americans had risen over the year prior by 5 percent, Hispanics by 3.7 percent and Asian by 5.5 percent. (2019 US Bureau of Labor Statistics)
    • According to the Chicago Tribune (August 2017), from 2009 to 2015 under Obama, the incomes of Black Americans fell by more than $900 per family adjusted for inflation but after Trump took office, median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000 (Sentier Research, via Census Bureau numbers.)

  • Trump is an advocate of School Choice so that every child can attend a quality school, public or private. In cities such as Washington, D.C., and Milwaukee, the kids who most benefit from voucher and scholarship programs are predominantly black and Trump has said he wants to see those numbers increase tenfold. (Black Voices for Trump, 2020)
  •  In 2019, Trump signed the FUTURE Act into law, This landmark legislation permanently extends mandatory funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) and other Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) to increase their science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) outcomes, among other things. The law also eases the burdens on low-income, first generation college students by simplifying the process for applying for student financial aid. (Uncf.org) and simplifies the FAFSA application, an HBCU issue throughout the Obama administration.

  • Following the George Floyd tragedy, Trump swiftly met with law enforcement officials and the families of nine police brutality victims to begin police reform. His almost-immediate executive order created incentives via the Justice Department for police departments seeking independent credentialing to certify that they are meeting higher standards for use of force and de-escalation training. It also incentivizes local departments to bring on experts in mental health, addiction and homelessness. It also orders the DOJ to maintain a database tracking when officers have been terminated, decertified, criminally convicted,  or faced civil judgments for improper use of force. (Bloomberg, Reuters, June 2020)
  • Trump upgraded Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s birthplace to a National Park. (Jan 2018)
  • Trump added John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park to the African American Civil Rights Network, preserving the park as a historic property. (Tulsa World, June 2020)
  • A 1998 video in New York shows Rev. Jesse Jackson shows Jackson praising Trump as a friend to minorities and the underserved and thanked him for supporting the Rainbow Push Coalition’s Wall Street Project, which aimed to help minority-owned businesses. “There is simply no way to explain away Jackson’s high regard for Donald Trump, based on this video.” (Philadelphia Tribune Aug 2018)
  • Trump was an “indisputable icon” in hip-hop music for decades, and the admiration for his success and swagger is documented in more than 300 rap verses. Lyrics show Trump was hailed for his wealth and power and idolized in songs dating back to at least the late 1980s. (ABC News, 2018) Before coming out as a republican Trump was a friend to Hollywood stars and business moguls of all races, he only became “racist” when he became a politician.
  • While white privilege is real, citizens often mistake actions, ideas and comments as favoring white or as a part of white privilege when it is in face in favor of the majority or majority privilege: Only 13.4% of the United States population is Black and only 18.5% is Hispanic (Census Bureau, July 2019.) 
  • In his pre-politics years, he loaned his plane to Nelson Mandela. (LA Times June, 1990)

  • In his pre-politics years he put up Jennifer Hudson’s family in a Trump property for free after Hurricane Katrina. (Today.com, Nov 2008)

  • In his pre-politics years, he dated a woman of color, Kara Young for about two years. (Inside Edition, Aug 2017)


  • In November 2019, Trump issues EO to establish the Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives (whitehouse.gov)
  • In December, 2019, Mr Trump signed three pieces of legislation that positively affect Native Americans. The three bills include compensation to the Spokane tribe for the loss of their lands in the mid-1900s; reauthorisation of funding for Native language programmes; and federal recognition of the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians in Montana. (The Independent, Feb 2020)


  • If context no longer matters within a conversation, for example telling someone “You Ain’t Black” without the context surrounding the statement, then yes. Yes, he does. Trump is not a slick, polished politician and often says politically incorrect things. However, as an intelligent voter you’ll agree context DOES matter and because a person may say something politically incorrect does not correlate to the racism in one’s heart, you can see a breakdown of many of his “most racist tweets” and their context in our TRUMP TWEET BREAKDOWN.

Want to know more? Check out Black Voices for Trump!



  • Yes, Trump is building a wall on the border of Mexico because between 18,000 and 20,000 victims are trafficked into the United States every year, many across the southern border. Though not widely reported, Trump actually proclaimed his aim to dismantle Human Trafficking in the United States at the very start of his presidency and has overseen 6,252 arrests so far in his first three years (justice.gov, state.gov, ice.gov, whitehouse.gov annual reports.)
    • As part of this effort, yes, children are held in detention areas at the border because many times they are brought through by traffickers who are not their parents or guardians. “We saw clean, well-supplied migrant facilities at the southern border. But we also learned about children smuggled into the US by homicidal cartels.” (USA Today, Aug 2019)
  • Thanks to Trumps policies, Hispanic unemployment has reached historic lows (US Bureau of Labor Statistics.) Hispanic-owned businesses are growing rapidly: more than twice the rate of all businesses since 2012 (univision.com Sept 2019).
    • Take Hispanics word for it: Trump’s approval rating among Hispanic-Americans stands at 44 percent, a Hill/HarrisX poll found this month. That’s a notable jump over the 28 percent of Latinos who voted for him in the 2016 presidential contest. (NY Post, May 2020) Many suspect this is because many hispanic voters are Catholics and value religious freedoms.


  • Trump did not issue a Muslim Ban, if that were the case, Iraq would remain on the list of restricted countries but it does not. Immigrants from the countries below, that currently pose a security threat, that hold green cards and visas are also able to enter the country, as well as grandparents, grandchildren, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, aunts, and uncles of anyone in the United States that are from the listed countries. As of the most recent revision in February 2020, travel to the U.S. is only banned for all nationals of two countries; North Korea and Syria. (Executive Order 13780 Wikipedia breakdown)


  • Trump was the first sitting U.S. President to visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem. (NBC News May 2017)
  • In 2018, Trump deported ex-nazi Jakiw Palij. (Washington Post Aug 2018)
  • Trump has publicly denounced outspoken White Supremicist David Duke, refusing to associate with the KKK (Politifact, Aug 2019)
  • In a huge move to support the Jewish community and the nation of Israel
    • He moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. (May 2018, Whitehouse.gov)
    • He recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel (Decemeber of 2017)
  • Trump has married two immigrant women, one from Czechoslovakia and one from Slovenia.
  • Trump did adopt an American-citizens-safety-first strategy when the pandemic hit, suspending immigration during the Covid 19 crisis and diverting incoming immigrants – who may have been exposed to the coronavirus – to other countries. It is unclear how many U.S. citizens lives have been saved by these orders.
  • Trump did exclude a minuscule percentage of US residents from Covid 19 relief, limiting the tax-payer-funded checks primarily, but not exclusively, to those who have paid taxes; immigrants with valid Social Security numbers, people who have green cards or even people who can prove that they have been physically present in the United States long enough to establish “substantial presence,” as per U.S. tax law. (Miami Herald, March 2020)
  • Actions, rulings, comments and ideas often seen as anti-immigrant are actually pro-majority; only 13.5% of U.S. residents are foreign-born. (Census July 2019)


  • Correct, while explaining that the virus has confusingly been called so many things, he said “I could call it the kung flu, it has so many names.” Trump is an entertainer on stage, telling jokes and acting out stories rather than reading from a formulaic script. This comment is not racist as much as it is politically incorrect. As for calling it the China Virus or Chinese Virus or Wuhan Virus, it has commonly been called that by democrats and the main stream media as well (hence his comment about the virus name confusion.)


  • If context no longer matters within a conversation, then yes. Yes, he does. Trump is not a slick, polished politician and often says politically incorrect things. However, as an intelligent voter you’ll agree context DOES matter and because a person may say something politically incorrect does not correlate to the racism in one’s heart, you can see a breakdown of many of his “most racist tweets” and their context in our TRUMP TWEET BREAKDOWN.


  • Covid 19 has been the perfect opportunity for Trump to show his dictator colors and call in the National Guard, instate National curfews and travel bans, etc. However, he has not done any of those things and instead has left each state to govern themselves unless special assistance was needed on a case by case basis.
  • The protests were another great opportunity for Trump to lay down his law, instead an autonomous zone existed for weeks within Seattle because he has left local governing to the governors and mayors.
  • Trump has been called a dictator in many articles, but his authoritarian crime here seems to be hiring people he doesn’t want and then hiring those he wants in their place. There has been no actual overreach beyond the constitutional powers of the executive branch.
  • Trump has a giant ego, to be sure, but one’s ego does not drive them to leave their billionaire lifestyle, with total freedom and autonomy, working business relationships on both sides of the aisle, enjoying Hollywood friendships and connections, in order to become the most passionately and blatantly attacked man in the United States. His money alone could have influenced policies, trade, social media and more, which then leads one to ask why did he become president and when he did take office, why did the media go from liking Trump as a commentator, frequent cameo actor, etc – to openly hating him so much?


  • Yes, the signs of a rising dictatorship in the United States have been alarming; business blacklists who don’t comply (Rogers, AR, June 2020) a hotline for spying one ones neighbor (multiple states, 2020), an unseeable dirtiness in your fellow citizens (racism now, Judaism then…)
    • Just recently the foreign wife of a professional sports player posted online in her native language, something that did not match the party narrative and not only did the player have to publicly apologize, he had to “denounce his wife” and after that he still was fired.(June 2020)
    • Another strange example shows the Washington Post writing an article about a private citizen wearing an inappropriate Halloween costume two years prior. No crime was committed and the everyday citizen, a graphic designer not at all in or aiming to be in the public spotlight, but because she attended a party where Post employees were present, she was drug through the mud in a national article and fired. (NYMag June 2020, Post article ran June 17, 2020.)
    • There are many other examples of people being called out for tweets from eight years ago,  and everyday Americans losing jobs, contracts, sponsorships, even family legacies, etc. because they did or said or even supported something outside the party line. But the party line is not Trump’s line. The line is the ever-moving politically-correct social-justice ‘cancel culture’ of the internet masses, led by the mainstream media, funded by globalist organizations.
      • Today all confederate statues “must come down because they’re racist” including statues of Abraham Lincoln. Including Hans Chrisitan Heg who died in battle fighting against slavery, which actual archived letters showing he found slavery “abhorrent.” Religious statues of Jesus must come down if he “looks white” and even a statue of an angel taking down Satan – these are real requests made by liberal activists in June of 2020.Taking down statues may be appropriate, erasing history is not, lest we repeat it. Taking down religious art is not in itself an ordeal, but if the line continues to move how long until the mob decides to be Catholic = Racist. To be Baptist = Hates LGBTQ. Then the line will continue to move, and it will come for any and all individual expression.Think this is an exaggeration? The co-founder of the BLM movement, which received millions of dollars in 15,000 donations in just two weeks following the tragic George Floyd, said proudly that they are “Trained Marxists” and the crux of Marxism is to:
        1) Dismantle the family unit – Prepare to literally turn your child over to the state.
        2) Squash individuality – Say goodbye to activism and marches, we are all the same in the utopia.
        3) Erase “eternal truths” – No more religion, traditions, science, unalienable rights.
        4) Dissolve Nations – Absorbing the USA into the UN, the WHO, the WTO. Did you know the UN Secretary General called called for a one world government in June 2020?
        5) The past, which is no longer relevant. (see this breakdown with Marx’s quotes from the Foundation for Economic Education) This explains why the BLM manifesto includes that they “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure” and want to “move beyond the narrow nationalism.”


  • Trump ran on a campaign promising to drain the swamp, and how would he do that other than to fire corrupt career politicians is basically the only way to do that. Trump fired 11 people in his first year in office, 2 his second year, and 1 his third year. Fourteen out of the White House 350+ staffers, plus there are around 4,000 federal politically appointed positions. (Brookings Research, June 2020)
  • On Feb 19, 2019, Trump announced his plan to launch a worldwide campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality in the worlds remaining 72 homophobic countries, to be led by openly gay US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell.
  • Trump did not put a ban on gay couples’ right to adopt. The administration submitted a brief to the Supreme Court regarding a specific case. (NBC News, June 2020) This brief suggested that just like if GLAAD formed an adoption agency and wanted to deny all Christian applicants, the brief argues that a Catholic adoption agency should be able to practice religious freedom in their practices. This was a move FOR religious, personal and individual freedom, not AGAINST homosexuals.
  • Yes, Trump overturned an Obama healthcare ruling in June of 2020. Just like a gay doctor may choose not to take on a Christian patient, a Jewish doctor may choose not to operate elective procedures on a transgendered person due to their religious beliefs. This overturn also helped protect providers against societal pressure. “Under the old Obama rule, medical professionals could have been forced to facilitate gender reassignment surgeries and abortions — even if they believed this was a violation of their conscience or believed it harmful to the patient,” said Mary Beth Waddell of the religious conservative Family Research Council. Again this was a move FOR religious freedom, not AGAINST trans men and women.
    • BUT Trump released the rule on the anniversary of the shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando!
      According to Fox, Trump began the process for this about 12 months prior as part of an effort to relieve billions of dollars in undue regulatory burdens on healthcare providers. The HHS Press office released that they had finalized Trump’s rule on June 12, there was no white house or presidential statement issued.
  • Trump did not put a ban on transgender men an women serving in the military, as anyone currently serving can continue to do so. A financial decision was made that anyone with gender dysphoria who is taking hormones or has undergone a gender transition will not be allowed to enlist into the US military, because it is estimated that these treatments would cost the military – and you, the tax payer – between $2.4 million and $8.4 million annually for only .003 percent of it’s total personnel  an estimated 10,790 out of 3,500,000! (Rand Corp 2016 study.)
  • In a 2020 Geraldo Rivera interview, Trump said he would have no trouble voting for homosexual presidential candidate.
  • Actions, rulings, ideas, comments and programs that are seen as anti-lgbtq or as favoring heterosexuals or “straight privilege” are in fact majority privilege or favoring the majority of citizens; as LGTBQ citizens only make up 4.5% of the US population (Gallup.)


  • While numbers constantly change and the misfiling of deaths has been widely reported, as of June 2020, under Trump’s watch .0004% of Americans have passed away from Covid 19. Surprisingly, that percentage is lower than much smaller countries such as Sweden, the United Kingdom, Spain and many others.
  • Though he could have used the pandemic as an opportunity to seize total control of the US via martial law, he left the states to guide their own crisis management.  Of all US deaths, 40% occurred in just three states; New York, New Jersey, and Illinois, all three of which have governors who are democrats.
  • Trump surrounded himself with the nation’s best advisors and held a public press conference every single day, that move of leadership and transparency was not seen during the Obama administration or even from President Bush during the chaos surrounding 9/11.


  • Trump was acquitted for his impeachment by the House of Representatives. The impeachment that was expected by democrats to be be “bipartisan & overwhelming” was neither. The Senate did not offer proper representation to the President or even hear witnesses for the charges of abuse of power and obstruction of justice, and even still the majority ruled there was not evidence that Trump had arranged any sort of quid pro quo with Ukraine.
    • “The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities…Mueller did not merely reject the Trump‐​Russia conspiracy theories. He obliterated them…Several of the media’s most breathless and hyped ‘bombshells’ were dismissed completely.” (The Intercept, 2019)
    • The question of corruption then brings us to #obamagate – did a sitting President deploy United States intelligence assets to spy on a presidential candidate?


  • Trump is a successful businessman who stepped completely out of his business operations when taking office, and has never accepted his Constitutional $400,000/year salary for his work as President.
    • Trump has donated his salary to various causes quarterly throughout his first term.
    • A few cases have been brought against Trump based on the premise that more people are staying at Trump properties now that he is President, however thus far the cases are repeatedly thrown out because if there is no defendant suffering damages, there is no case at all.
  • Trump University was an online suite of business courses dealing primarily with business and real estate. Some students felt the e-school used high-pressure sales tactics and employed unqualified instructors. After winning the election Trump shifted his efforts to running the country and, without an acknowledgment of fault or liability, decided to settle and pay restitutions to the students.
  • The Trump Organization, which President Trump no longer manages, is almost 100 years old, includes 500 business entities, with over 22,000 employees worldwide, bringing in an estimated $655 million in the year 2017. As with any business of that size, many legal actions have taken place over the years. This included a case against The Trump Foundation which ended in a settlement and the closing of the foundation.
  • Trump has not disclosed his taxes with the public, which is his right, because his financial legal counsel advised him not to do so while being under audit by the IRS. (See above, businessmen and women at his level are constantly under audit.) He also understands that the media would spend every moment combing line by line searching for items and decisions to question, ridicule, condemn, etc, thus distracting America from real issues that actually affect in the daily lives of U.S. citizens.


  • Trump employs more women as senior advisers than former presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton did at the similar points in their presidencies. (Washington Examiner, 2020)
  • In 2019, Forbes reported that women held roughly 300 politically appointed roles and dozens of judges and ambassadors, with more awaiting Senate confirmation.
  • In 2019, Trump released his “United States Strategy on Women, Peace and Security (WPS)” the first legislative strategy of its kind, which recognizes the disproportionate impact of conflict on women and girls and seeks to increase women’s participation and inclusion in peace processes and security activities.
  • Trump has made fighting human trafficking, many victims of which are women, one of his presidential priorities soon after taking office.
    • He has since appointed a new role within his staff just to manage the fight against trafficking
    • His administration has made 6,252 arrests so far in his first three years (justice.gov, state.gov, ice.gov, whitehouse.gov annual reports), which rivals the Obama’s 6000 arrests throughout his entire presidency (obamawhitehouse.archives.gov)
    • His DOJ funded 45 victim service providers with $31 million, almost doubling its budget from 2017.
  • Trump has limited some Obama-era previsions for Planned Parenthood, an organization that
    • claims to be a non-profit but admitted under oath in 2015 to have “had $127 million in excess revenue after expenses”
      • Which explains why he demanded they return their federal Coronavirus relief money.
    • Said, under oath, that no baby had ever been born alive and then aborted at a Planned Parenthood facility, a claim that was directly contradicted by recent witness testimony in front of the same committee,
    • Admitted under oath that the organization spends $13,000 a day on parties and travel,
    • Admitted to claiming repeatedly they offer a variety of services such as mammograms when none of their facilities have mammogram equipment. (House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, 2015)
    • Seems to be under constant investigation for corruption such as sex trafficking.
  • Trump was the first US President to ever speak at March for Life rally, standing up for the sovereignty and basic human rights of unborn women, after all;
    • Some 300-600 abortions in this country each year are still performed after 26 weeks (when babies can feel pain, hear the mother’s voice and respond to sounds, and a developmental stage in which more than 90 percent of babies born can survive out of the womb) those girls have a right to life.
    • Five states still permit abortions in cases of fetal defect, those disabled baby girls also have a right to life.


  • Yes, he made a joke by calling out Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas.” She claimed she had Native American roots and then released an inconclusive DNA test showing she could possibly between 1/64th and 1/1,024th Native American. There are other examples and they can all be matched with surpassingly ridiculous names democrats have called him – the sitting President of the United States – in return. See our TRUMP TWEET BREAKDOWN


  • Yes, like Bill Clinton, Joe Biden and 34 other federal representatives since the year 2000, Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct.
  • There was a Jane Doe rape case brought against him and dismissed multiple times, once buy a judge and finally voluntarily dismissed by the anonymous accuser herself.
  • Photos from events in the 90’s keep circulating with Trump and Epstein, however Trump was not friends with the billionaire, actually having him thrown off a Trump property for inappropriate behavior. Trump did hitch a ride on Epstein’s plane on a January 1997 flight from Palm Beach, Florida, to Newark, New Jersey but unlike Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Trump NEVER visited Epstein island.


  • Trump is, in fact, obsessed with the economy. Why? The benefits of economic growth affect every single American, and even more-so the poorest citizens. A better economy means:
    • Higher living standards – higher incomes and the ability to devote more resources to areas like health care and education.
    • Reduced poverty
    • Reduced crime
    • Increased life-expectancy
    • Less government borrowing
    • Improved public services, as less citizens use government assistance, the government can redirect those funds to public education, prisoner rehabilitation, transportation, scientific research, the environment and more.
    • Increased choice. If you only want to support Black doctors, or female-owned businesses, or consultants who are LGTBQIA allies, the economy must be able to support all of those businesses.


  • Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017 led to a tax decrease for 90% of Americans, including middle and lower class families.
    • In the months following passage of the tax cuts, unemployment fell to a 49-year low and key demographics including women, African-Americans and Hispanics have seen record low unemployment rates.
    • A family of four making $73,000, for example, saw a 60 percent reduction in federal taxes. According to the Heritage Foundation in 2019, typical American families will be almost $45,000 better off over the next decade
    • Trump’s reform doubled the child tax credit, giving tax relief for over 105 million taxpaying citizens.
  • Decreased regulation of business practices does save corporations and moguls money, which goes towards the capacity to hire more workers, larger buildings, better health coverage for employees, more competitive salaries and benefits, etc.


  • The 550 US billionaires together are worth $2.5 trillion. If we confiscated 100% of their wealth, we’d raise enough to run the federal government for less than 8 months. According to economics professor Antony Davies’s assessment of 2016 statistics. He went on to say the problem may be more about government spending and government debt, which could be reduced and redirected with a strong economy, as explained above.


  • Trump has held over 42 press briefings in 2020 alone, open to any and all questions from the press, no matter how disrespectful or absurd.
  • Did you know 90% of the media in the United States is owned by only six corporations? Even The Wall Street Journal and Fox are owned by the same parent company. If one or more of those six companies have an agenda, they can easily spread their messages – such as Orange Man Bad – across print, blogs, television, and other mediums quickly. If Trump, an obvious political outsider, were to try and spread propaganda, those six groups would quickly shut him down – as seen by the cancellation of airing the Covid 19 briefings.
  • Yes, Trump is trying to change the regulation of companies such as Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. More and more conservative views, “conspiracy theories” (as deemed by the company editors) and anything these companies deem against the greater good, have been getting censored. The companies have admitted to this behavious. Under  Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act created almost 30 years ago, these platforms are protected from liability for many of the things third parties say or do on them. This is what Trump (and many conservative writers, video creators, etc) want changed because they now use content editors. The precedent for this is that The New York Supreme Court ruled Prodigy was “a publisher” and therefore liable because it had exercised editorial control by moderating some posts and establishing guidelines for impermissible content. If Prodigy had not done any moderation, it might have been granted free speech protections afforded to some distributors of content, like bookstores and newsstands. The three aforementioned social media giants do exercise editorial control, thus they should receive new regulations. Consider this; If the big three started to put a warning label on every tweet that mentioned protests, for example, because an editor felt that protests could harm the greater good of citizens, the media would be all over these companies for their misuse of power. Reports are posted everyday of “fact checker” warning labels on posts of all kinds, many having to do with first hand personal stories related to health but even posts showing the military or the US flag are currently being flagged as “offensive.” Again, there is a dictatorship taking over in our country, but the dictator is not Trump.
  • Yes, Trump has repeatedly tried to warn the American public of the blatant misreporting and unethical conduct by news outlets, for example:
    • CBS showed hospital footage and still images of Italy and claimed it was footage from the US.
    • The Washington Post recently did a hit piece on an everyday citizen for a inappropriate halloween costume she wore to a party years ago. She is not a member of the public eye, not an influencer or blogger or a journalist. She lost her job and was fed to the public mob simply because Post staffers saw her at said party. This is not ethical journalism.
    • Headlines often spout statistics gathered using an unethical data sample;  a small number of people polled, days surveyed, cases examined, etc. When reading a news article, start checking the fine print under images, charts, and graphs.
    • His tweets are almost constantly taken and twisted completely out of context as you can see in this Trump Tweet Breakdown.
    • Does the truth matter anymore?
      • Every major news outlet reported that Trump “had American citizens tear gassed” an entire square in Washington when the official police report shows that one officer fired a can of pepper spray while under assault.
      • The media has widely reported that Breonna Taylor was sleeping in her bed and “murdered” by police when the actual warrants and police reports (filed before the media frenzy) show she was not in bed, not asleep, and was shot by accident when officers were returning fire after being fired upon. If one was to argue the police department report was doctored and the department was corrupt, why wouldn’t the media expose all of these documents instead of censoring them so much so that one can’t even find them on Google anymore?
        • One of the officers in this case was fired before any review or investigation could take place. Does America no longer believe one is innocent until proven guilty?
      • The same chokehold (now banned due to Trump’s executive order*) used on George Floyd was used on an autistic man in Dallas, Texas, Tony Timpa, who had called the police himself for assistance. The officers mocked him and he died in the ambulance, all of which was caught on disturbing body cam footage. The media had no outrage over this police brutality because they are selective and manipulative in when and how they share stories. In Timpa’s case, one officer was hispanic, one was white, and one officer was black. Tony Timpa was white.
        *the chokehold may now only be used if the officer’s life is in danger.
      • There are many, many more examples of twisted narratives, omissions, inconsistencies, bias and exaggerations by the news media.


  • In short, Republicans believe that everyday Americans thrive with LESS Government involvement, not more. A thriving economy (less regulations, less taxes) mean more jobs, better jobs, less crime, higher standards of living and more.
      • Republicans believe minorities have a better quality of life when they can build that life for themselves (when the economy is thriving) and Republicans do not support massive government spending on social programs with subpar results.Is this true? Look at the results:

      • That Washington Post graph (June 2020) above shows that the worst cities in America are run by Democratic leadership, and it’s not just because of size. For example, San Diego is under Republican leadership and is the same size as San Antonio and Philadelphia, Ft. Worth is a little larger than San Francisco and is under Republican leadership (Wikipedia stats, June 2020)
  • Republicans believe that free markets and individual achievement are the primary factors behind economic prosperity. Less regulation = more innovation, competition, and job creation.
  • When it comes to immigration, in a 2013 poll, 60% of Republicans supported the pathway that allows for migrant workers and a path to citizenship  (MSNBC 2014.) Yes, Trump is building a wall as a part of his tough stance on international crime, the preservation of American jobs, and to fight human trafficking. Trump also created immigration reform proposal which calls for the transition to a merit-based immigration plan.
  • Republicans are more focused on a strong national security than global policing. Trump has promised to crack down on trade cheating and to promote fairer and equal trade for all Americans, as well as build stronger relationships with our allies.
  • Republicans value religious freedom, freedom of speech, the sanctity of human life at conception, and the right to bear arms.
  • Republicans have historically supported the War on Drugs and oppose the legalization of drugs. More recently, some prominent Republicans have advocated for the reduction and reform of mandatory sentencing laws with regards to drugs.
  • Republicans, are in support of voter restrictions what are vital to prevent voter fraud.
  • Republicans have increasingly taken positions against environmental regulation in the name of economic prosperity.